Life is a swimming pool:
everything seems to float around
(occasionally bump into each other)
but the cleaners clean it all at night
when nobody’s looking (for a fee).
They’re practically invisible,
but they’re always there.
I’m a less-than-proficient swimmer,
(at least I think I am).
I kick to stay above the water, but
if there isn’t any way to fight
forever, why not just let the world take its course?
Just float.
I mean, if your fears come true, then so be it.
If your dreams don’t come true, then so be it.
If you fail to achieve your goals, then so be it.
“Que sera sera,” right? So be it.
Whatever will be, will be.
I could grab onto my fears forever
or I could let go, kick and stay afloat myself.
We’re meant to float after all.
There really isn’t any need
to do the backstroke in bed
and stay awake at night
remembering that time you had a cramp
in the local swimming pool and feared
that you were drowning; on the verge
of death.
Lifeguard’s on duty.
We are all in very good hands.
Swim in peace.