

“So I’ve decided to leave. For good.”


“He needs to learn to deal with life on his own. But…”

“But what…?”

“I’m scared. What happens to me when I leave?”

“I-I don’t know…”

“It’ll be like death, won’t it?”

“No, you shouldn’t think of it that way! Think of it like…Coming together. Integrating, even!”

“But I won’t be me. I’ll be gone. It’s death.”

“I’m not sure…I mean, I don’t really know how this works…”

A sigh escapes him as he looks around the parking lot, his breath smokey in the air.

“I need to give you your present. We’ve been arguing about it for weeks now.”

A chuckle.

“I’m excited.”

A smile.

“I hope you like it. It might be weird though.”

“I’m sure I’ll like it, stop worrying, silly.”

They make their way to his room. He fetches the bag and hands it to her. Treasure the moment among other cursive decorating it. Digging through tissue paper, she pulls out the box. Things Remembered. Opening it, she discovers the necklace. Desh’miriai etched into its surface.

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