
Father John

The woman’s lips were curled into what almost passed as a seductive smile except her teeth were chattering as a car with tinted windows drove up. But when the window rolled down her smile disappeared as she took in the face of the man in the car.
With a voice as frigid as the cutting wind she shivered in, she asked, “How did you find me?”
The man smiled tightly.
“I never lost you. You’ve had a tracking device in your hip since you were ten.”
There was a moment of silence before she started screaming.
“How dare you! You had no right!”
“I had every right. As your father-“
“You aren’t my father.”
The air coming from the car turned icy but the man’s expression never changed.
“I’m as much of a father as you’ll ever have. Get in the car, before I do something you’ll definitely regret.”
For a moment she hesitated, but then her demeanor shifted. The partially soaked streetwalker became an elegant lady who just happened to be under-dressed.
“Very well.” She said with all the arrogance of a duchess. “Take me home.”

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