
embarCadero square

the giant palm trees in embarCadero square must be Cold in the
winter beCause
CiviC planners plaCed
Crescent-shaped ConCrete bloCks at the bases
to Cut the wind
layers of mulCh are added to proteCt the roots
not made of Cedar nor pine Chips
but rather human flesCh
an unkind kind of
human humus
built from oily Corrugated Cardboard atop the
sidewalk and a body
as disposable as soiled tissue
Covered by a tattered blanCket
how Charitable the homeless of san franCisCo
to plaCe their withering remains in the Crevasse
between barCk and briCk
each soul too siCk and slaCk to snore
one Comes upon them
in Chilling silenCe
not yet CarCasses
no longer ConsCious
walCk by a tree whiCh stands alone but
do not thinCk that the empty Cardboard means another froCze to death
someone elsCe will lay Claim to
this ConCrete Coffin before the niCht ConCludes

a Cement sphere marCks the entranCe to
embarCadero square spray-painted “oCCupy”
and so they have
to seCure the palm trees
until the spring

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