You are a man of many sWORDS, M’lord. This is a striking prolongation to the wonderful story everyone has created. Your characterizations really cut to the heart. You have filled our arsenal, allowing us to choose for ourselves the sWORD to continue this salient saga.
We have enemies? An ancient evil? Spells that befuddle memory and drive people into the world beyond? I love this take and could almost wish for a real enemy rather than people becoming too busy. At least evil would have a source. Or am I misreading this. Perhaps someone tried to protect the essence of Ficly or the Authors themselves, but if that’s the case, then what could possible be worse than the destruction of this place?
And once again I am depicted as a bad ass. While I appreciate it, I have no idea where that came from. I always thought myself more buffoon than badass and am often humbled by the other writers here.
Good to see you sharpening your blades on here. (I rarely rate but this time I rate because you have reinstilled hope when I was feeling naught but darkness) Notorious B.I.C.- I love your response too! sWORDS!
Robert Quick
Scurvy Swab
August 2nd