Crap, you beat me to the sequel. I may have to branch the story at this point, since I really want to follow up on my own idea. :)
That said, I really like the direction you went with this. Not quite what I had in mind for the Abattoir — it may just be better!
Also, you may want to work a bit on your punctuation — commas and periods where they’re supposed to be, mostly. I realize, though, this may be shorthand for you for squeezing content into a confined space.
done. I found it helpful to have the pertinent facts in the tags so that I don’t have to go back and forth between the stories. Also there are on board: 1 pilot, 1 navigation officer and 1 sys ops (SO), all as yet unnamed. I think that’s enough people for a small ship like this?
I was actually thinking more along the lines of 8-12 crew total, including officers, but there’s no requirement to have all of them appear in the story.