Entry 14- 3 Word Prompt Chain: BOLD, BRAZEN, CREAM
Monica fluttered her fan, trying to dispel some of the sweltering mid-day heat.
Antonio dropped to his knees, wincing as they banged against the tile floor. His constant praise did not stop or even slow down. If anything the pain appeared to spur him on. “I cannot live without you. I will not! You, are a lioness among pussycats.” He grabbed for her hand and kissed her fingertips. “Skin as pale and unblemished as the finest cream, bold, brazen- I must have you!”
With a twist of her wrist, Monica snapped the fan against Antonio’s knuckles. The various ladies that made up today’s court tittered as he raised his hand to his mouth. They did so love it when she abused a man, and even more if the man was handsome or foolish and Antonio was both.
She considered her words. “Good Antonio, I do love you dearly but I fear another has laid claim to me.”
Stricken, Antonio leaped to his feet. “Who? What man would dare?”
It was only then Monica let a smile touch her lips. “Benedict has come to see my father twice.”