
You Can't Cure Crazy

You Can’t Cure Crazy

So before you go and declare a war on crazy,
or a war on anger, or a war on violence, or a war on heartbreak,
or a war on sadness and loss and unimaginable grief.
Before you go and declare a war on war itself,
how about you just zip it? Honestly. Be quiet. DON’T SPEAK.

Evict the members of the media who erect their tent towns at these pools of loss and endlessly lap from the trough of our wounds.


Give us space. Give us time. Let us heal into our scar.


(moment of silence)


pick up your pens
and in the wake of sober quietude,
in unison,
very humbly,
very respectfully,
enact a law
that makes it ILLEGAL
for any non-military person in the country
to own or obtain military grade weapons.

That would be a wonderful start.

I’d thank you,

and so would the kids.

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