The first line is awkward, and I think there should be a semicolon after “The bridge was too high.”
I get a “Lost Boys” vibe from this. Reminds me of the scene when they jump over the bridge and hang onto the rail as the train runs by. Definitely not a bad thing.
The problem I have with semi-colons is that they are a hard stop not a breath pause.
I use commas too much, a lot like I use white space. Not to make a piece grammatically correct, rather to make it visually appealing with a certain flow. Commas are used as cadence rather than a rule.
Sounds very pompous I know. Semi-colons are connectors that seemed forced to me. Not a natural slight pause in a thought.
I agree with ethel about word choice. But I just can’t bring myself to use a semi-colon. I’m stubborn.
Plus I don’t really spend a lot of time thinking about the grammatic functionality of a challenge piece I wrote in 30 seconds.
As for Kurt Vonnegut’s rule for semi-colons I mentioned above:
I think “far, far” would be better. And there is a Lost Boys vibe! although I don’t know if I would have thought that if it hadn’t already been mentioned
As for the semicolon issue, I think the best writers make punctuation their own, just as they make words their own. I’m a fan of semicolons but like BA Boucher I don’t necessarily think about rules as much as aesthetics when writing. And in the realm of aesthetics everything becomes subjective.
There’s a great piece in (I think) Watt by Beckett where the narrator exclaims “How hideous is the semicolon” and then churns a few out to organise his disintegrating thoughts on the matter.
It’s been a long time since I read it but the gist is as such.
Thanks for that Vonnegut quote about semicolons BA. Very funny. Man I love that guy in a completely homoerotic way.
However, I don’t think his thoughts necessarily apply to this piece. That first line is two complete sentences, and needs to be separated by either a period or semicolon. Vonnegut’s quote seems to suggest using a period in this instance.
As a dude who uses sentence fragments like each one entitles him to a free happy ending at the Asian Massage Parlor, it’s a bit hypocritical of me to get on anyone about improper sentence structure.
Another option is to modify the sentence to something like this: “The water, black and cold, laid in an uneasy calm far, far below the too high bridge.”
This is going to sound weird and completely random but I don’t like it when people refer to their ficly as a “piece” like, piece would be a word to describe music or fine fine art. And I’m not saying that Ficly isn’t a place to make art, but… I don’t know, it bugs me. I like the story alot though
I think I refer to them as pieces all the time and had never even noticed. Now I am left pondering in what other ways I come across as a pretentious cad and have not noticed.