
Play the price

I did it for her. She doesn’t know what I did, and I’m no longer there to tell her. I miss being with her, and her loving embrace. I had to do it though, how could I not? Death had stolen her from my arms, and that was not acceptable. My love for her is to great, and she has so much more of her life to live. It was my fault that she died. I was not being the most faithful to her at our wedding feast. I am now ashamed for my actions. She went off, weeping, to her chambers, where a poisonous snake bit her leg. I ran to her, and she died as I held her in my arms. I then journeyed to the Underworld, to steal back my wife from Hades. We made a deal: I could lead her out, but not look back at her. I accidentally did, so I secretly struck another deal with Hades: She could live if I forever stayed down in the Underworld and played my beautiful music for his wife. I agreed, and sealed my fate, but gave her her life back. My love, please remember me, and please forgive me for my disloyalty. Love, Your Orpheus.

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