International Love - Chapter 2
Justin was this boy that I started talking to over the internet. He is from Canada. Since I live in Austrailia, That is a huge time difference. We began talking about two months ago through facebook. Sometimes, I stay up all night, Just so I can talk to him. I haven’t told anyone about him yet, but i’m desperate to tell my best friend, Alexa, but I know I shouldn’t. Alexa is really pertective, She wouldn’t find it safe to talk to boys on the internet.
The bell rang for fourth period. I grabbed my math homework from the basket and left. Someone poked me on the shoulder. I turned around to see Alexa. “Hey Alyssa! Do you want to come over for lunch? I have leftover Chinese!” She said. “Yeah, Sounds good. Do you want me to drive?” I put all my books in my locker, then shut it. “Yeah, My mom dropped me off since Daniel needed my car today. He has a job interview.” We walked to my car and started heading for her house.