
Airships: Windriding

They locked eyes then – hers narrowing in defiance, and his softening into a smile. She turned at a slight nod from him, where a smaller one hung.

“We never could work out who would fit into such a small suit – just as well you’re with us, really.”

The garment turned out to be less of a suit and more of a tightly-fitting harness. There was curious flap of sewn canvas between the arms and the torso, and again between the legs. She felt the well-waxed fabric, suddenly realising its intended purpose.


Hawkeye turned, already in his own harness.


“But what -”

“Just try to get out of it as soon as possible. It’s rather restrictive, as I’m sure you can guess.”

He turned away to the ordered line of men in front of them, all of them clad in the harnesses and looking serious. He nodded in approval, flicking his gaze up to the bridge where a red storm lantern was burning.

Elletra took a glance as well, and barely noticed it turn green before Hawkeye propelled her firmly over the rail.

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