Bipolarity (why I've been gone for so long)
The world seems too bright in the night
these days.
But I can’t but begin to deny it.
And I don’t know quite how to say the thin words
that my heart beats too fast in the bright night
these days…
Or get out the words that my spit is too sweet.
Or how I can taste chlorine in the water
these days
Or how the lights are just so very bright
these days
Or how my legs could just run themselves
bloody these days.
You know
I can’t wait.
I’m so close.
I just…
I don’t even know
You know?
Any more.
And the rain smells so soft off the clouds
these sweet days,
And the colours are just so damn pretty
these days.
While the skin on your face feels so soft
these damn days.
You know.
I can’t wait.
I’m so close.
I just…
I don’t even know
You know?
Any more.
And I can’t help but think that the
ice is so cold these days,
the sheets are so warm and
the wine is so sharp these days.
Cant wait … so close … I just…
Don’t even know.
You know?