Yet another in the tremendous history of your literary excellence. I really dig your style and though it may be out of unfortunate circumstance that you’ve endured so much at such a young age I think we all benefit from your pieces.
I hope oneday you find happiness in whatever you do in life and though I am not religious I won’t discredit anyones choices of belief in their preference of inner peace. Look to thyself in happiness, look to other’s in confirmation. ( i heard that somewhere)
You’re right there Jim! Especially when Christmas is over :(. I honestly can’t thank you two enough for always commenting on my drabble! I swear I’ll get round to returning the favour soon.
Simply amazing! Even though depression is a horrible thing that makes everything seem useless and a waste, I do my best writing when I feel as though I’d rather be ashes then living flesh. You always amaze me with your beautiful writing. Well done!