There were a thousand words and they added up to nothing. They sat like the sermon in Eleanor Rigby, waiting for another living soul to care.
“This is the reason why we shouldn’t pour our hearts out to a computer screen. It has no life, only wires and a buzz produced at 60 Hz. Our blood and bones ask 1000X more of us. They ask us to vibrate with life, not automated switches.”
“I suppose you have a point,” he conceded.
“The greatest words were written on paper. The trees that yielded it gave them a skeleton and a scaffolding. The ink, even if it came from the crudest sources in the earth, once lived as tiny beings in the ocean. Think of all that history on a page: the rings of the tree and the waves of the ocean.”
“What of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr?” He countered. “There was power in his words, but to see him on the screen is to feel his passion!”
“Trust me.”
He did, as he accepted the pen in his left hand and the paper on his desk. And so, he began to write his inauguration speech.