This is a continuation of a series I was working on at Ficlets. I think 3 or 4 people read it, so maybe they’ll see this and read it again.
These stories are awesome-ness! Read them and be in the presence of genius!
These are not quite the heroes you were looking for… if I might twist a quote for humorous intent. This looks like fun. I hope you continue it.
These are not quite the heroes you were looking for… if I might twist a quote for humorous intent.
This looks like fun. I hope you continue it.
I am so happy the Knight has returned. I was trying to explain your basic plot to someone a while back, and I failed miserably. Now I can just direct people to a Web site.
Oh, marvellous. Very funny and somewhat off-the-wall.
Plus, I’m jealous that Gerry has his copy of The Joy of Spellcasting. Lost mine some years ago, and it’s very hard to replace.
Hobo Beard Bob
Hilary Blackwood
Alexa Reed (LoA)
Alexa Reed (LoA)