How Are You? (Day 27)
“Hey, how are you doing?”
“I’m good! (Besides the world crashing down. Besides my chronic depression. Besides my daughter hating me. Besides my job being in limbo. Besides the constant fighting with my wife. Besides the fact that I haven’t taken a day off in 4 months. Besides that I’m separating myself from all of my friends. Besides that my parents and I aren’t talking and that I’ve been faking every conversation I’ve had with them for years. Besides that I’ve had not one creative thought in ages. Besides that I’m only getting older. Besides that my health is deteriorating, yet I don’t care. Besides that no one sees all the pain my eyes. Besides the fact that if I really told you this, you would think I’m strange and never talk to me again. Besides the fact that you really don’t care and that’s just a response to avoid any awkward silent) Just the usual! Thanks!”