letters i wrote to you but never sent
this is it
i sent the letter
it is waiting in your inbox
and waiting for you to wake up
in a few hours
while i go to sleep
and dream terrible dreams
of what will happen when you read that
now it’s just a waiting game
i’m terrified and terrified and
i will not be able to rest until i know what happens
i’m so concerned about the ending i don’t even know the plot
please hurry
hurry awake
hurry out of the land of dreams and into reality
for my sake
for my sanity
por favor,
i need this
i need this
please answer me please answer me i can’t handle not knowing
i can’t handle suspense
my heart is sinking
sinking sinking sinking
you are an iceberg
a warm, welcoming iceberg
and my heart needed to be ripped in half anyway
it’s been far too long since the last time that happened