the earth is round
in the beginning
there was god.
now this god with a small ‘g’,
he liked circles.
(there are three circles in ‘god’.)
(god + a circle is ‘good’.)
(circles are good)
(god is good)
in the beginning
there was god
and god created the world round.
then he made other round things,
good things, to put in his world.
Like the sun and the moon
and big babbling bubbles.
and god saw that the sky and sea
had a good many round things,
but the earth did not.
so he made new creatures for the earth,
creatures with half domed hands
to hold round things in their palms.
and he said to them
you will be the bearers of
good things to come.
good round things.
round good things.
things good, are round.
and then he chuckled,
and proceeded to create
and he saw that it was good.