
A Legacy of Sacrifice (Day 43)

“What you suggest is madness.” Xamira folded her arms. The fingertips on her right hand tapped against the hard muscle in irritation.

“Bold, not mad, my dear.” Gracien smiled broadly. “If Father and Grandfather before him had not sacrificed themselves, none of us would be here. Mark my words. Our time is coming.”

Xamira glided out on to the balcony and leaned against the railing. “You can kill yourself if you want, brother of mine, but I’ll have no part of it. There is plenty left for both of us to do and if you go through with your fool plan, I’ll be forced to make up for your lack.” She sighed and ran long fingers through the length of her golden hair. “Neither of us are as strong as Father was, what pitiable wretches would we make?”

Gracien put his arm around her shoulder. “Our two cousins are willing too. Noumen says that the third planet is the most interesting. Of course it would be one of theirs.”

“Ah. So I was last.”

“Don’t be sad.”

“If you three go, I will be all alone.”

“Come with us then.”

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