Questioning Cindy
“Cindy, you’re telling me you’ve swallowed 4 people, and digested 2 of them? Don’t you realize that somebody may have reported those 2 as missing to the cops? What about that other one you ‘let back up’? What if HE tells someone in authority? If only to contest his sanity, they’re going to come back to you.”
Cindy replied, " The 2 of you are the only ones who know about me and my ability. You already presumed nobody would believe him, as ‘the authorities’ most likely would doubt you, if you were to talk about it".
My pulse rate at that point was probably higher than a NYC Marathon runner who had just crossed the finish line in the top 100, with my blood pressure probably rased a dangerously high range.
While trying to regain my composure, I asked her, “how the hell did you find that you could swallow another human being whole? That can’t just come up in casual conversation, like ‘Now that we’ve had sex, I’m going to try and imitate a black widow spider and swallow you, my mate’”