Cindy Continues
“Imagine you get a 6 foot, 200 pound man swallowed into your stomach, you’d at least think, amongst a bunch of other stuff, that you’d, well, feel stuffed? Didn’t happen.”
Cindy looked at me, now with a sheepish expression on her face.
“You know what I look like. I’ve held this shape and weight pretty much since I was 18, with minimal exercises at a gym, or just walking a lot. No matter what I ate, regular food, I’m talking about, small or large amounts, I was satisfied, but not satiated. I always felt I could eat more, but had the self control not to. Maybe that’s due to the accident of a good ancestry, genes, or DNA? I have no clue.”
“I have never suffered from anorexia or bulimia, and over the years had learned belly dancing and nauli from watching training DVDs and Youtube. I just set my mind to it, tightened my belly from the bottom pushing up, kind of like squeezing a tube of toothpaste, relaxed my chest, throat and mouth as I did, and just kind of vomited Todd back out, as I did with you. "