the "Monster"speaks
“You ARE a monster. Do you know anyone else who can just up and swallow a grown human being, let alone 2 of ‘em at one time? You’ve moved yourself to above the known food chain, and become some kind of human appearing Black Widow Spider. For all I know, your asking me to marry you is your form of spider web!”
Cindy slammed her fists on the table, and stood up so suddenly her chair fell over. She had tears in her eyes, and was openly sobbing. Had I just angered her to the point she’d swallow me out of spite?
Between sobs, she stammered out, “Have you heard of any animal or insect that mourns what it eats? I doubt it. I’m human, as human as you. As a person, I have emotions. You’ve upset mine, and I’m crying because you now see me as a monster, and called me one. Dammit, I’m a human being, just one with a freak ability. Even sideshow freaks are humans, just with some different ability or strange looking body part from the majority, making them different.”