
Random Elements (Day 57)

Charles’ hand landed on Ian’s shoulder and Ian pulled away reflexively, stepping out of reach. "Don’t touch me, Charles!

The side of Charles’ face quirked to one side in confusion. “Charles? You don’t call me ‘dad’ any more?”

“Are you fucking kidding me? You stopped being a dad the day you picked up your first bottle. I don’t know where you came from and I don’t know why you’re here now.”

“That’s enough!” Charles barked, his face flushed with anger.

Kara’s face peeked over the sofa.

Ian ran over and knelt next to her. Taking her hands in his, he asked, “Where’s mom?”

The two other people in the room, none of whom were to familiar to Ian, looked at each other in confusion.

“He’s sick!” said the Asian lady.

“Or really confused.” said the guy in the hoodie.

“Don’t you remember?” Kara bit her lip. “She’s dead. She died at our house the First Night. You were there.”

Ian shook his head. “No, that’s not what happened. All three of us escaped on to the roof and we hid in the tree house until morning.”

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