The TV in the Attic
1 “ONE of you broke the TV in the attic,” “It DIDN’T just break itself!”
2 “Look, you kids need to figure it out. Either I punish you all or I punish just one of you.”
3 “I didn’t do it!”
4" “Look. They’re really mad. I’ve never seen Daddy turn so red. Are you all sure you didn’t do it?”
5 “I haven’t been up there all day.”
6 “I didn’t go near it.”
7 “Well, I saw it when mommy found it and the glass is all cracked. Chuck, were you playing up there with your bat?”
8 “No!”
9 “Well, we’re gonna have to come up with someone to blame. Let’s say Chuck did it. He’s the youngest. They won’t spank him so hard.”
1 My mother, in a threatening tone.
2 My father, coming up with a solution to the parenting challenge.
3 All four of us kids.
4 My sisten Susan, the oldest, trying to be the boss; trying to give someone a chance to fess up.
5 Me.
6 My sister Beth, propbably telling the truth.
7 My sister Irene, who was quite capable of breaking it, but apparently did not.
8 Me.
9 They did.