Airships: Residuum
Elletra quickly began helping separating Jerem’s men and the corpses of the Earl’s crew. She forced herself not to look too closely at the mangled bodies of the dead but she couldn’t shut out the noise of the groans and moans of the injured and dying. These sounds and sights seemed to always be following her wherever she went
Once the men were sorted and counted, she walked over to Hawkeye where he was talking with Matherson.
“Five are dead, Sir. Hanlon, Edwards, Raley, Donagher, Bernard, and Gonzalez. Four are seriously injured. That leaves us with you, me, her, Fenne, Keanan, and Prismall.”
Hawkeye he nodded, “Alright. As soon as our ship gets here, get the four to sickbay immediately. Prismall and I will go check on the cargo. Have Keanan watch the skies just in case there’s back up coming. Fenne and you check the belongings of the Earl’s men.”
“I’ll take care of the injured ones until Jerem gets here.” Elletra said before he could order her and walked off as she hid her shaking hands in her pockets.