

food is good
food is good it’s good for my mood
not to be rude
but brooding, sulking, food is good
not to delude
but simply hungry and empty food is good
for my mood.
food- it’s good
it can be brewed, stewed or chewed
but most importantly, it’s good for my mood
and it fills me up – food is good.
food- hued, imbued
with the colours of the world, should
taste good, and it’s good for my mood.
but it tastes best when viewed
with the eyes that exude
curiosity. one eats food
when one is hungry and it’s all good.
I wish what I say won’t be misconstrued
but food is simply good for the mood
and the spirit could
be renewed, subdued, reviewed, shrewd
but that is all about food I conclude.

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