the purity of an object is unquestionable, even as we reach into filth to find it. its becoming is its own unerringly, and our hand is just one in a billion influences that we may hope to help by and it can be a sincere hope to help, as in support. as in to lend towards the truest bits of our own rotten objectified selves. if it is true that one can only measure against another, than i have wasted much time dawdling. i must be swamped in weeds, thickly overgrown and all but forgotten. forget me not, unless there is not a thing for you in me.
our purity, innocence, bequeathed by god can be covered with the foulest muck but I was taught scarcity in schools unlimited wants we all have but small is the supply
we will have to make do with what we can redo and what we can retouch and what we can recover.