
four 9er (2)

The only reason we even kept up this experiment was to demonstrate the futility of penning such a concept in an acceptable way. It has been the quiet work of sages, for ages- and now- here?! This forty ninth line?

It’s a redundant mess of entanglements that can not be overlooked! It’s a nexus of communiqués from the remotest parts of earth, in chorus! There is no rebuttal, there are only bunkers to hide in, for the hope of weathering the proven shortness of memory. And if they do not remember to forget, so be it! Let them take what was always theirs!

It is only the sweat of a brow that has called humanity forth, after all. who hasnt spent their labor honestly? whose ancestors failed to live up to their obligation? ignoring that the progress of our species is the birthright of all is a logical negation. it wasnt until this hailed web was amassed that our connexions could actually take on their own life! break the buy button, and stake a claim for the commons! if it isnt ours than it is nobodys.

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