I can’t help but think that this was inspired by my situation. The thing that tipped me over last night was the bin spontaneously falling down the stairs because it had been overloaded just a little too long. Very real. I might sequel when I’m done with all my work.
I actually found a typo in your work August!: What does she now? “do” is missing from there somewhere.
Of course it was inspired by your situation, Wednesday. I’m not fixing the “typo” you found by the way. It may not be good English these days but I have reason to suspect that it might have been perfectly reasonable in days gone by. For example, in John Trusler’s 18th century play “The Country Election,” there’s this line: “My dear friend, Mr Smut, it gives me great pleasure to see you, I was just going to your house; pray how does your good wife?”
Sorry about the bin. I’ll try to be quieter… next time. [exits to sinister organ music]
Conjoiner, Rejoinder, Poisoner, Concealer, Revelator [[Wednesday]]
August 2nd