I particularly like the way you have to piece together their lives from phrases which she uses that they would both understand – but which have deep meanings hidden behind them.
Stark. I love stark. It takes a few reads to work out what is happenning here: sometimes that would annoy me, but the nature of this piece calls for a good deal of data compression. You have managed it exquisitely.
The “don’t try to find me” jars somewhat, but I can’t place why and it is certainly appropriate for the piece.
The ‘dont try to find me’ does seem just a little cliche to me, possibly the same for ethelthefrog? Maybe ending on ‘I wonder if you’ll notice Istopped visiting’ could have had more impact??
Just a small note on what is otherwise a very well written piece.
Amazing dkscully, and I agree with the above, there is a lot here! But I think the ’don’t try to find me’ adds more mystery and desperation. Hope there isn’t a return address… lol