

I’m not exactly sure what happened
I’m not quite sure what changed,
But something in my mind has shifted
My thoughts have rearranged.
At first I thought I’d lost it all
My will had gone away.
There was nothing left to do
and nothing left to say.
You came around and I would cry
I thought I’d loved you so;
But something in my tears was wrong –
They came not from my soul.
But every night the tears did fall;
I knew the pain was real,
But it was quite unusual
As if my heart was steel.
To penetrate my heart, pain tried
But I did not let it so;
To let it in and rot my core
Would hurt more, I did know.
My heart was bound in lengths of steel,
though blood pumped mighty strong.
It stayed secure, for I did know
that eventually you’d do me wrong.
And when you did, no shock to me,
I saw straight through your lies
My head was hurt beyond belief;
My heart just said “Nice try.”

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