
Four Years Later (Year 1)

Four years later and I’m staring at my scars.
Four years later and I’m lost in these stars.
I lost my voice; you might hear a shriek.
So sit back and relax, as we now take a peek…
Into my life.
A lot can happen in four years.

All of which is expected.
Some of which is dissected.
But none of which gets disconnected…
…from my memory. You can see…
The smile I hold on my face was NOT free.

My life’s uncut.
And now I’m wearing this red… gown.

Look closer. Year one.

New responsibilities: 1 metric ton.
How do I find happiness? How do I make friends?
Why am I so bad in General Chemistry? & How is that kid already driving a Benz?
I guess I’ll take on new experiences. I’ll give my conscience a cleanse.

Top bunk.
Single again.
Head hurts.
Morale descends.
I pretend that I’m fine.
All of my energy now depends…
…On these people I call my “friends.”
Stumbled into dance. I have found a way to transcend…

Cute girl, wrong time.
Summer of fantasy.
Feeling sublime.

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