Tranny Fight Club
My name is Gloss, better known as The Transvestite Ninja. I walk dirty, looking for trouble. I was born a Transvestite, intersex really, sexual assignment being outlawed a year before my birth. My ambiguity allows me to fight in all pits. I’m rare. I’m a Neutral.
Walking the wharves now, glossing my lips, my fight clubs tethered to my wrists. I got the idea from a fight I almost lost. A seven foot Asian Super Hooker, fighting name BloodyPlumb Blossom, wrapped her carbon fiber nunchuck cattle prods around my wrists, swinging me like a marionette.
After breaking my nose, my wrists and my sockets, her excited sweat made her lose her grip. Chucks now mine, I started swinging. Her head exploded like an electric melon. Her thoughts, like seeds, spun through the air, red and wet. I tilted my head back, caught one in my mouth, and swallowed a piece of her soul.
What have we here. three Toughies, all with respectable patches. Those patches will be mine in five. I’ll turn them in for a few notches and a new tattoo.