Burial Considerations
A bright screen
These pages brim with words which have themselves already written. Boldness, vastness, but all irrelevant.
A password
The new title for this website: Allison Wonderland. Keeping the sub-title.
Part 1: Pictures
[]This is me on my 21st birthday. I’ve had a bit too much to drink and I’m trying to keep it on the down-low for my grandparents! God bless them!
[]Graduating from Pepperdine last year! Master’s in Journalism. Here I come!
Part 2: bio
All you need to know about me is that I was born in Santa Monica and that it happened a long, long time go. The rest is for you to discover.
Part 3: journal
May 24th, 2013
My first post on this site! On a bit of a sad note, my car has finally passed on. Now I must write myself from town to town. (Self-Note: Should I make these public?) I don’t know what I’ll do with this site’s archives. I printed them all, but it’s too much to read.
They say a field must burn for seeds to grow. But with these… I’m afraid the fire would burn too bright.