“And after…you know, after everything was done. I was back in our apartment, her apartment. I was just kind of standing over all of the stuff…and…there wasn’t that much. You never realize how much stuff isn’t really yours at all. I wasn’t too demanding. I let her keep the coffee pot and microwave. Those were mine.” the man said.
The interviewer sighed, checking his watch and realizing his original question was now buried under a mound of suppressed emotion. If anything, he decided, he’d have a reason not to back his office for a few more minutes. He continued to listen.
“I looked at her and I tossed her the keys and she turned away, that was it.”
“And what of the dog…uh…Trig, was it” the journalist asked.
The man looked down, ran his fingers through his hair, and looked back up before responding “Trig, yeah. She’s…”. He paused, and then continued “She’s got him now.”