
Design-A-Baby (June 5)

“Design-A-Baby is the biggest thing to hit the world since Bill Gates IV’s invention of Underwater iCities!” The screen above the store’s door boomed out, into the giant hallway of the Mega-Mall.

“Come on, Blaid! It’ll be fun! Plus, you’re owing your kid the favor. You know you are not giving your kid any good-looking genes. Can you imagine, your kid having purple eyes, perfectly tan skin, or being six feet tall. You can even redesign how their puberty is going to affect them!” Xandra grinned, rubbing both hands on her huge belly like she was getting ready to sculpt it.

Blaid sighed and followed her friend, her 5-month belly already sticking out from under her form-fitting shirt.

A pregnant employee greeted them inside the colorful store, “Hello! If this is your first time designing your baby, please follow me to the palette computers where you can pick the mods you would like. Then, I’ll take you to a nano-infusion room where you can take a nap while we do the rest to make you a beautiful baby!”

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