
A day in dreamland (P.2)

‘Bzz-zzzt-zz-zt’ The red-lights flicked off, and embraced us, the inmates in a tangy sensation of black as the monsters retreated back to their confinement. I then drifted into a slumber. Of life before i came to this hell-hole…I pictured times of fuckery, robbery and murder…. the siren blasted, sending my dream to oblivion.
“WELP, another day in hell, aye T.?” kit said with as much sarcasm as ever.
“yeah… couldntve said it better myself…” he snorted.
“lets go get something to eat!” he said as if extremely excited.
“lets go boss!” i replied copying his enthusiasm We ran down the stairs, past all the gangs that were our enemies on the streets “geez… wish the rest made it…”
yeah” kit replied as if in though.
“try not to think about them… ok? i mean… they died protecting us…”
“Yes, but…. i cant help but feel bad…they shouldnt been torn apart like that…” the image sweeps my mind.
“whats cookin chef” kit asked. The boy replied with a grin “Grub”
“Oh.” We took out plates and sat down

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