Hot Pockets!
Ralph’s mental erection immediately deflated. At the entrance to the square, a man selling pocket alarms. The alarms worked like a hand buzzer, some either sprayed blue ink or worse, sent a shock that even Mila couldn’t hold back a surprised scream.
Action. That’s what Ralph had to jump to. If Jane or Mila saw the alarms being hawked, they would lose every ounce of confidence. They might shy away from this prime location indefinitely. Worse, Buzzer Man would simply have to show his face and flash one of his alarms causing Ralph’s girls to freeze, rendering them useless.
But what did this seller of alarms have to gain? He must know if a pickpocket saw one being sold they would know which pockets to avoid. Almost like advertising a salted mine.
Smart. Make the competition believe the well was spoiled and we all move on to fresh water. But the well wasn’t spoiled. Ralph determined the alarms may not be real, just replicas of those used in sting operations.
Ralph called Mila over. "See that man…