The return trip
My name is Dr. Edward Farhi. I am requesting use of the Institute’s time engine. I believe that my case is worthy of consideration due to my unique circumstances.
In the early 21st century, I was Director of the MIT Center for Theoretical Physics. If the Board requires verification, please contact MIT directly. I have confirmed that their electronic records from that period are still intact.
For years, I worked with my colleagues conducting research in quantum computing and particle physics. Between 2010 and 2020, several of us on the faculty were experimenting with high energy particles, trying to convey binary information through time.
Eventually, we found we were able to send pieces of matter forwards in time. Due to a misconfiguration in our first human trial, I was stranded in the year 2524. Now I find myself here.
As you can understand, I will be unable to return from my trip. You will find the machine at MIT in long-term storage. Collect it after I have left.
Thank you for your consideration.