Wow. If I had known what my fellow Ficliteers could do, I would have made the challenge that of using all the tags! I like this story as it is, apart from its containing all (or forms of all) the tags. Maybe constraint, whether challenged or self-imposed, can be a muse of sorts?
Great entry into the challenge! I like the overall theme of isolation that really ran quite strongly throughout the whole thing, including the very private near death moment. And even with all the tag inclusion, it makes a cohesive story and even suggests a larger world and story.
blushes But it feels good to get such high praise from you two. :) There are parts that bug me, but within the confines of the challenge, and the confines of ficly, it works.
I was slightly baffled by the death…space…Mars and the campfire foliage bit, until I realised that this was a challenge entry. So well done – a great, engaging little story in its own right.