I like the introduction of the ‘self-consistency principle’ to avoid time paradoxes. The ‘chained reply’ is pretty deep stuff – hurts my brain really. Still, I feel the caviler tone is distracting and out of place in this setting. But hey, that’s just my opinion. Overall, I think it’s good.
FYI on Ficly Rules of when to use the ‘mature’ label: Language: If you wouldn’t hear it on a primetime drama on network TV. – Com’on guys, you’re making me look like a nanny.
That was great, simply great. Nothing heroic, nothing to alter the timeline, just a bit of fun. Great use of the idea and the constraints of time travel for both the story idea and the story set up.
Very good. You’ve stuck strictly to the challenge parameters and written a vibrant, humorous story at the same time. I like it.
The main weakness is that it’s not as polished as it could be. For example, you use the word “I” five times in the one paragraph, which feels repetitive. A couple of them could be changed to “it” (referring to the application). Also, I don’t understand the control character after “reply button”.
I’m ambivilent about “timelords”. Yes, Doctor Who is enough a part of our culture that if there really were people in charge of time travel they would probably be nicknamed time lords. So it’s realistic. But it still feels distracting, as if I’m being jolted out of your story and into a different one.
In summary, a excellent job on the writing, but you could work on the editing.