Thanks for the spell check, Elsh. As is my usual, I also was ‘unclear’ in my writing. So, in an effort to assist others in ‘catching my drift’, I’ve made the ‘play on words’ bold. Also I added the much needed italicized word. – Man I wish you could edit me before I publish! :)
I’m a bit mixed. At times it felt a bit forced or maybe just obtuse. Or I missed something. In the end though, it reminded me of a book I read once, ‘Momo’, by the same guy who wrote ‘The Neverending Story’. The message feels the same, the ridiculousness of modern society’s push to take so much time working so hard to afford the time…that they’re missing out on while working so hard.
I liked the mention of another ad at the end. It gave a decidedly commercialism feel to this spectacular idea of purchasing time. I think I would have liked it more if you had added more parallelism to that last part. Something like, the screen goes dark, the next ad comes up. CALL 1-800-ISOLATE