I stopped commenting on my own stories sometime back. But for the reader: I know nothing about anarchy, but I’ve heard about it for years. After reading up on it a bit, here’s the main structure:
Consensus-based social contracts
Allow free association
Provide mutual aid
Enforceability. It’s fine to stand your ground but not to hire someone to enforce your society’s agreements/contracts.
Decision-making. Based on consensus (all agree) and, at the least, a super majority, which is NOT 50%, but more like 70%.
Ha! Anarchy is tough. The narrative in the middle adds to the story in a third person POV that the dialogue never could. The line, ‘They were all leading, but none a Leader’ is elucidatory as well as stimulative.
Sounds like a bad situation but does illustrate pretty well one of the potential downfalls of anarchy. You have me curious why they’re in the bus, where they might be going, and what they might be leaving.