Body Language between two who can read each other’s is quite expressive. I almost feel like italics would work better.. hm. That would make you rewrite, however. Clever idea, showing us while telling us there were no actual words.
Reminds me of what dating was like when I was younger. I never knew what to say so my body language probably said more about how I was feeling than my words. There’s nothing like that frozen moment where two look into each other’s eyes and can only wonder what will happen next.
A wonderful sequel to an inspiriting ficlet! I really like the tone of this series. The pensive nature and thoughtful relations are a joy to read. You write it well.
I’m so glad you continued this story! Like everyone else, I’m loving how the quiet speaks volumes. I wondered if perhaps the “She” that begins the second to last line is meant to be a “He” since the last line seems to contradict the feeling generated by the second to last.
There’s a lyrical quality here, particularly — “…delicate slit of velvet…” and “…I’m not ready to talk. Feet stilled and legs locked…”
I really like what you’re doing here. The repetition of the word ‘delicate’ in such close proximity could be changed, however, don’t you dare change “delicate slit of velvet” that alone is 5 stars. I’m in awe of that line.