I like it. The feel is very internal but with just a few context details to make it feel real, or semi-real, all things considered. I like the element of doubt, at least for me as the reader, as to the reality of the woman.
Intriguing…I’m wondering if the mistress is real, or a manifestation of his psychosis, or a personification of his medication, or something else entirely.
Huh. I wonder what it would be like to have an imaginary girlfriend. On one side you’d never be lonely. On the other you’ll always be lonely. Good thing crazy people don’t know they’re crazy or else they’d wonder which it is.
I would have preferred less of what he was typing and more seeing what he was doing and surrounded by, but that’s a character limit for you. Very interesting little scene.
@awayken. I would have to agree, to a point. But writing sequels can minimize this glare since it won’t have to be mentioned later. I like that BiC chose a modern way, internet inquires, to reveal how he feels about Merrill. It’s one of those scenes where we are in the room looking over his shoulder. It’s a very private moment and satisfies the voyeur in all of us.
Interesting twist, like he was using internet dating in a trial and error or clinical sort of way. Notes left like ebay feedback..“Girl number one, too arrogant. Girl number two, no personality..”