I often feel the same way. I think we all do at times. But I’m happy you’re still here. And I’m glad to see you’ll still be writing with us. – oh, and they’re ‘pencils’ and they don’t mean crap (sorry Kevin :)
’Tis the burden of art to suffer the commentary of the masses.
You churn out some quality stuff, so believe in yourself. If a comment is negative, search it for truth or utility with which to improve, then move on.
Thanks everyone. I was raised not to run with a pencil, for fear of falling & poking my eye out. Why I think that still works via the internet, that’s a whole other story.
Man let me tell you a story one day about a stalker I had on Ficly . . . on one hand he made my life miserable, on the other he gave me material for a Ficly. I never deleted a story though, even when he sequeled or prequeled with nonsense or undoing my work because my work stands on its own. I’m glad that you’re still here.
You know I cry if I get knocked around too much during martial arts, but everytime I take a beating I get tougher. It’s that moment right before you break down that you decide whether to keep going and face the tears or to stand down and save face that makes you a better person. Each time I get a little tougher. Each time you’ll begin to love your writing more and more.
It seems that by deleting the story you ignore the criticism instead of learn from it. And learning from it is to accept it as an opinion and stop giving it more weight than intended. Learning from it is to accept your flaws with grace and improve. It is to get back up and fight, proving to yourself that you have what it takes to be awesome and not run from it, hiding your flaws.