Whoa, the title is almost as long as the story. :) Good story and I thank you for sharing it. If it’s all written out though, you might want to save it for publishing. Sometimes publishers will deny a story if it’s already available elsewhere. Just so you know.
Pet peeve: repetition: Ugh, you repeat ‘brother’ a million times. WE KNOW! :) Next, what bug spray repels bees??? never heard of that. Lastly, great setting, nice parental personalities, with the dad more matter-of-fact than the mom. This is a good beginning to a story. I don’t know where you are going with this, but I hope you keep going and keep sharing and editing.
Thanks for the tips! I tried to correct a few things. And, apparently, (surprisingly enough) there actually IS bee repellant. Fun fact for the day! I didn’t know either, until I was researching for this! Thanks! :D