
Confession Made

I used to think that I had it MADE. Life was grand. Life was a piece of cake. IN the palm of my hand. Handed on a silver platter.
I had my friends.
I had my family.
I had a dream job.
I had money and fame.
I had the eye of all the men I could ever wish for.
I even had all the women I wanted.
I had cars, planes, all the champagne you could drink. I had pushers pushing whatever drug I needed, wanted, or could inhale.
Life was mine for the taking.
I had it MADE!! Right? What else could I possible need or want?
I woke up this morning, my arm screaming for another fix, and I realized.
I was no longer revered. I was ostracized and ridiculed.
I wasn’t famous, I was infamous.
Job offers became cheap and fewer.
My family was and still are ashamed.
My dreams were clouded in drugs and alcohol and I’ve wasted away all my friendships.
The Newspapers remind me everyday, “Lindsay, you’ve gone and messed things up! You had it MADE! And you drank it all away!”
My name is Lindsay and I’m an addict who used to have it made!

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