
Larry's Suspension of Disbelief

Row by row, the image formed. Since her leg was not a flat surface, it was distorted. This could be seen as symbolic: mysterious shards of the complete works.
“You eluded me in the case of Marie Roget, Madeleine, but I solved your cipher of the gold bug,” Larry began as he started the next row of the puzzle, “but when you dared insult me, I vowed revenge. I, Lorenzo di Montresor…” He licked glue off his finger, smiling up at her, then ripped the tape off her mouth.
Madi stared with growing dread. “Who are you really?”
The boy sat on the Tinkertoys he had built into a human form. He giggled. “Don’t you know, Madeleine? I loved your mother, Annabelle Lee, before the gin got me.” He chuckled.
Oh. Madi now she realized where he was coming from. She whimpered; arguing with Larry was impossible.
“For the love of God,” the Imp said, smile vanishing. “You must scream ‘For the love of God’ now. Get into the spirit of the tale, Fortunato; have fun. Come. Tuesday we’ll do de Sade.”
Eyes wide, she screamed it.

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